School Time Charity

Charity #767293I17RR0002

Sponsor an Orphan

Care for an orphan in need

With a monthly donation of $100 a month, you can sponsor an Orphan's education. As a primary donor, you can select an eligible Orphan to support.

Of the $100, 70% goes towards education which includes admission to one of the school time charity organization’s academic institutions, after-school programs, meals, transportation, uniforms and books. The remaining 30% is provided as monthly financial support to the orphan’s family.

As the primary donor, you will receive monthly updates on the orphan’s achievements and progress.

Orphans that are in need of your help

  • Child
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    • Boy
    • Girl

Abdullah is a hard-working boy. He works hard to help his family. He is 7 years old and lost his father 3 years ago due to liver cancer. His father used to deliver plastic bags to other shops on his bicycle. After the death of his father, Abdullah along with his 2 brothers and a…

Osman Aminullah

Osman son of Amin lives in Kabul city district 17. He lost his father in an explosion and his mother is blind. Haider lives with his mother little brother and grandfather who is also suffering from kidney problems. Osman works on the streets to earn money for his family.

Subhan Esmatullah

Subhan lives in Kabul Afghanistan with his mother, two brothers and two sisters. His father died on March 2021 from mental illness. He was working as a chief in Afghan Army, and after a few years he was diagnosed with a mental disorder and later on passed away. After his father’s dead Subhan started working…


He is 10 years old and he lost his father due to a suicide attack in Dehmazang Kabul. After the death of his father, her mother started to work in a school as a cook. After the collapse of the former government, his mother lost her job. Now Milad is working in metallurgy to learn…


Sana is from Qara Bagh district of Kabul province and now living Labjar, Kabul. She is 9 years old and lost his father 8 years ago due to a suicide attack and lost his mother in a traffic accident. Sana has held a hole in her heart and regularly require medical checkup. Her aunt is…


Jahan Ahmad is 12 years old and he is from Hese Dowome, Kapisa province. He lost his father 3 years ago because of a heart attack. Now he and his sister sell beans and grain. His mother is working in people’s houses. They are 2 brothers and 2 sisters and her mother in the family.…

Ways to Donate

Become the primary donor to an Orphan

Subscribe to a monthly donation of $100 CAD.

Become monthly or one-time donor to this project

Subscribe to a monthly or one-time donation of choice to this project.

Transform Lives with Your Support

Empower a Child, Shape the Future

By donating $100 monthly to the School Time Charity Organization (STCO), you provide a disadvantaged orphan with the golden opportunity to receive a quality education in prestigious schools, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. Your support ensures they have a chance at a brighter future, away from the uncertainties of street life.

Education Beyond Books​

Caring for Mind, Body, and Future

Education Beyond Books is dedicated to fostering holistic development in children by providing resources that go beyond traditional classroom learning. Our mission is to equip young minds with the skills, experiences, and support they need to thrive in all aspects of life, ensuring a brighter future for every child.

Nurturing Well-Being

Caring for Mind, Body, and Future

Beyond academic support, STCO ensures the well-being of each child through nutritious meals, rest, and safe transportation. These fundamental services contribute significantly to their physical health, academic performance, and personal development, fostering a well-rounded growth environment.

A Chance for the Most Vulnerable

Opening Doors for Those in Need

STCO’s sponsorship program has strict eligibility criteria to identify and support orphans in dire need, aged 6 to 14, demonstrating a commitment to their education. Priority is given to those engaged in labor, offering them a lifeline to escape poverty and an opportunity for a better life.